“He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we…
During the personal ministry of Jesus, we find the Son of God in prayer to the Father on numerous occasions. The brief Gospel accounts are littered with many incidents where…
“The restoration was to consist in holding precisely and only what is taught in the word of God, and in founding our practices strictly thereon…To believe precisely what the Scriptures…
The Lord’s Supper is the “bread and fruit of the vine”, Mt. 26:26, 29; the “communion”, I Cor. 10:16; the “Lord’s Table”, I Cor. 10:21; and the “Lord’s Supper”, I…
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand . . . Verily I say unto you, that there be…
I recently read an article which began, “In most congregations, there resides ‘the church within the church.’ There is an ‘outer’ church and the ‘inner’ church.” Without a doubt the…
The church is not the building, The church is not the steeple, The church is very simply, God’s very own chosen people. In the world today, there is as much…
There are several Biblical expressions which refer to God’s people. Of course one of the most common is church (Matthew 16:18). The focus of this article is on the use…
Yes No 1. I am presently, or have recently, discussed with a friend New Testament Christianity. Yes No 2. I have mailed out or given a tract to someone. Yes…
A minister told how one Sunday night when he was quarantined in his house because his child had diphtheria, he watched the church next door; the church that he could…