Nations have risen, increased, and fallen. Rulers have obtained thrones, reigned over kingdoms, and succumbed to the cold grip of death. Many generations of men and women have come and gone. Time and culture alike have seen changes. Technology, science, and medicine have all progressed. Natural disasters have swept over the landscape of humanity. Tragedies, plagues, and diseases have been witnessed by the nations. Years have passed away into the unchangeable annals of history. God’s word, however, has continuously remained the same. God’s word survives by its very nature! The Scriptures will never change, the Bible will never be destroyed, and the living word of God will endure forever. Peter spoke of “the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth forever” (1 Peter 1:23-25).

God’s word endures criticism! The Bible, more so than any other document, has been examined and cross-examined by the critical eyes of men, but it has incessantly stood the test of scrutiny. The honest and objective inspector of God’s word will always admit the Bible is inspired of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The Bible bears undeniable traits which conclusively link it to the mind of God. Despite the vast number of allegations of contradictions from skeptics, the Bible has endured, and no real contradiction has ever been sustained. Though written by over 40 different writers with differing educational levels and occupations, in three different languages, from three separate continents, over a period of 1600 years, the Bible orbits around one central theme and contains no inconsistencies. The Bible remains accurate concerning people, times, places, numbers, events, and doctrines. Though continually inspected by the critic, the Bible has continually survived criticism. It is the most challenged of all books, but it is still the best-seller.

God’s word endures attacks! In addition to being the most criticized document, the Bible is also the most hated document. Though it is a book beloved by many, masses would love to see the Bible destroyed. History reveals countless attacks on the Bible. In 175 BC, Antiochus Epiphanes, a Syrian ruler, tried to destroy all writings of the Old Testament Scriptures. He failed, however, and while his name is unknown by most, the name of Moses is known by nearly all. In 1199 AD, Pope Innocence ordered all Bibles to be burned, but God’s word survived. In 1637 AD, the Jesuits boasted of burning 60,000 Bibles, but they did not burn enough, for God’s word survived. Voltaire, a French infidel, vowed the Bible would be no more 100 years following the day of his death. He indeed died, but God’s word lived. Just 50 years following his death, his own printing press was used to publish Bibles, and his own house was used by the Geneva Bible Society. Robert Ingersoll, an American agnostic, claimed in 15 years he would have the Bible in the morgue. 15 years later, he was the one in the morgue. After his death, a man named Robert Gary sat at his desk and wrote Bible lessons. Man will die; God’s word will live. Jesus said, “heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

God’s word endures rejection! Many reject what the Bible says, seek to change what the text records, and attempt to evade the teachings of Scripture, but God’s word always endures. The Psalmist said, “Forever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89). The modernist, skeptic, and atheist all reject the Bible, but God’s word endures. Roman Catholicism denies teachings of the Bible, but God’s word endures. The religion of Islam contradicts the writings of God’s word, but the Bible endures. The denominational world argues with, debates over, and discards vast portions of the Biblical text, but God’s word endures. Many church members defy large segments of God’s word, but the Bible endures. Rejecting what the Bible says will not change God’s word. Getting mad with a certain passage will not change what the Bible says. Doctorate degrees do not change the Bible. The books of men do not change the Bible. Culture does not change the Bible. Despite the masses who reject God’s inspired word, Jesus said “the same” word will be their judge at the last great day (John 12:48). The Bible will read exactly the same then as it reads just now! God’s word endures forever!

– Brandon Baggett

Brandon Baggett is a former Pulpit Minister for Eastern Meadows Church of Christ.

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