The words of the hymn, “Purer in heart, O God”, should be on the lips and in the mind of everyone, especially children of God. The reason is offered in stanza three. We ask God to help us be pure in heart “that I thy holy face one day may see.” God will not welcome the impure into heaven. David said, “Who shall ascend into the hill of Jehovah? And who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart …” (Psa. 24:3-4). Only the pure in heart shall see God (Mt. 5:8).

Paul advised his son in the faith, “keep thyself pure” (I Tim. 5122). These words suggest a personal responsibility. This instruction is certainly needed now in this sinful age as much as it was in the first century. Temptation is on every hand. If we yield, impurity results, the church is tainted, and our influence is destroyed. How important it is for each of us to live pure lives.

Purity of heart is reflected in a pure life. Paul admonished Timothy to be an example of purity to the believers (I Tim. 4:l2). How can we be examples of purity? Solomon advised, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23). Christians are to think on things that are pure (Phil. 4:8). So pure lives come from pure hearts focused on pure thoughts.

Christians must utter only pure words. Evil communication is all about us. Paul said, “Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear” (Eph. 4:29) Also, our actions toward others must be “with all purity” (I Tim. 5:1-2). The Christian life consists of pure actions and pure words reflecting pure thoughts.

What kind of religion do you have? Pure or impure? Pure religion is identified in part as keeping oneself “unspotted ‘from the world” (James l:27). There are things worldly people do that Christians can’t do. They go places and do things that are unacceptable for Christians. If we engage in such worldly activities, we make ourselves impure in the sight of God. We are in the world, but cannot be of the world. Love of the world prevents the love of God from being in us (I Jn. 2:15-16). Take heed therefore to your attire, your conduct, your words and your very thoughts. Let us all strive to be pure in heart.

– Paul Clements

Paul Clements, a member of the Eastern Meadows Church of Christ, is a retired choral director and retired minister who has also served as an elder in churches where he was located.

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