Trust God’s Promises and Providence Each time my mind is filled with wonder over the promises of God, I always think about the beautiful words of the apostle Peter. As…

Pursue Contentment Contentment, or the quality of being contented, can be defined as ―feeling satisfaction with one’s possessions, status, or situation.‖ Defining these terms might be essential because contentment can…

Practice God’s Teachings Each Day For just a moment or two, I want you to think back on the summer days of your childhood. Do you remember learning to ride…

Think The Right Thoughts The human mind is an incredible creation from the almighty hand of God! The mind is our inner control system, and the potential it possesses to…

Cultivate Your Prayer Life There’s a popular inspirational meme that’s been floating around on social media that says, ―Worry is a conversation you have with yourself about things you cannot…

Be Gracious To Others In case you haven’t noticed, some folks are just downright rude! Unless you are a social recluse and your interactions with others are quite rare, you…

Maintain A Cheerful Heart “Stay positive!” “Just look on the bright side!” “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” “Attitude is everything!” We’ve all heard these age-old phrases before, but…

Resolve Conflict It’s been a tough year! The events of 2020 have been hard on everyone. We’ve experienced a global pandemic, navigated an exhausting and unnerving election, and witnessed the…

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